PfMP® Self-Paced Course (30 Contact Hours & PDUs)

$899 NZD   $699 NZD + GST

PfMP self-paced course: Master Portfolio Management at Your Own Pace Enroll Now!

Why On-Demand Course?

Study on your schedule, wherever you are, from any device

This course condenses the PfMP certification curriculum into its core concepts. We deliver focused summaries of key subject areas, highlighting the essential knowledge within each PfMP domain. Gain a clear understanding of portfolio management without getting bogged down in excessive details.

This course caters to a variety of learners. Whether you’re new to portfolio management, seeking supplemental support alongside a live class, or aiming to refresh your existing skills, this program offers a valuable foundation for your portfolio management journey.

Who is this course for?

Experienced professionals looking to advance their Portfolio Management career

  • Program Managers
  • PMO Professionals
  • Senior Project Managers (seeking to transition to portfolio management)
  • Executives & Leaders


PDUs and Contact Hours

Earn 30 PDUs & Contact Hours


Course Access:

  • 24/7 web-based access to all course materials.
  • Closed captions included for enhanced learning.

10 Lessons

with structured modules

30h 00m

Total Length


Learn from anywhere, anytime

Begin your PfMP Self-Paced Course journey today

PfMP Self-Paced Course

$849 NZD   $699 NZD + GST

What’s Included in the Course

Watch 30 hours of video-based lessons

Acquire the knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques needed to learn about Portfolio Management and PfMP Certification 

Understand the PfMP Exam Content Outline (ECO)

This course provides a detailed explanation of the latest PfMP Exam Content Outline, including Domains and Tasks.

Stay update with PM Body Of Knowledge

Achieve a deep conceptual understanding of the latest PMBOK® Guide.

Get Certificate for Completion of 30 PDUs

Get a Certificate of Completion for 30 Contact Hours & PDUs 

Best Learning Resources for PfMP Exam Prep

The course includes class handouts, student learning materials, PfMP Exam Prep tips and tricks, a study roadmap, and flashcards.

Free Invitation to PfMP Study Group

Join our PfMP Study Group for free to prepare for PfMP certifications with other aspirants and get support to write PfMP application for Panel review

Real Practice Questions

This course includes Real Practice Questions to prepare your PfMP Certification exam with confidence

Access The Learning Portal

Continue your PfMP Exam Preparation at your own pace through our learning portal. Feel free to revisit past lessons, download learning resources and practice near to real exam questions

Access from your phone or tablet

Access our free mobile app to watch lessons, read learning resources, and practice exam questions on the go.

Learn at your own pace!

Easily fit our flexible, self-paced course into your busy schedule

Take a Course Demo!

Start your PfMP Self-Paced Course journey!

$849 NZD   $699 NZD + GST

Course Outline

PM Body of Knowledge (PMBoK) Version 7

1. The standard for project management

  • The standard covers System for value delivery and 12 project management principles as described by PMI®

2. A Guide to PM Body of Knowledge

  • Project Management performance Domains: This topic covers 08 project management performance domains: Stakeholder, Team, Development Approach and Lifecycle, Planning, Project Work Delivery, Measurement and Uncertainty.
  • Tailoring considerations: overview, what, when, why and how to do tailoring
  • Models, Methods and artifacts
PfMP Certification and Exam

1. PMI and its standards

2. PMI PfMP Certification, eligibility criteria, Exam

3. PfMP Exam Content Outline (Domains and tasks)

4. Portfolio Manager’s Skills and Knowledge

5. PfMP Study Plan

Introduction to Portfolio Management

1. Overview            

2. What is a Portfolio?       

3. Relationships Among Portfolios, Programs, Projects, and Operations

4. What Is Portfolio Management?

5. Relationships Among Portfolio Management, Program Management, and Project Management

6. Principles of Portfolio Management

7. Relationships Among Portfolio Management, Organizational Strategy, Strategic business Execution, and Organizational Project Management         

8. Portfolio Components and Their Interrelationships           

9. Role of the Portfolio Manager    

10. Other Roles in Portfolio Management     

The Portfolio Life Cycle

1. Overview and Guiding Principles The Portfolio Life Cycle

2. Ongoing Life Cycle

3. Portfolio Management Information System (PMIS)

4. Governance Within the Portfolio Life Cycle

Portfolio Strategic Management

1. Overview and Guiding Principles Portfolio Strategic Management

2. Portfolio Strategic Objectives

3. developing Portfolio Strategic Objectives

4.Strategic Risk Appetite

5. Portfolio Charter

6. Portfolio Roadmap

7. Key Portfolio Components

8. Portfolio Optimization

9. Managing Strategic Alignment

Portfolio Governance

1. Overview and Guiding Principles

 2. What Is Portfolio Governance?

 3. The Concept of Governance

 4. Effective Portfolio Governance design Factors

 5. Portfolio Governance Roles

Portfolio Capacity and Capability Management

1. Overview and Guiding Principles Portfolio Capacity and Capability Management

2. Capacity Management

3. Capacity Planning

4. Supply and demand Management

5. Supply and demand Optimization

6. Organizational Capabilities

7. Capability Assessment

8. Capability development

9. Performance Reporting and Analytics

10. Balance Capacity and Capability

Portfolio Stakeholder Engagement

1. Overview Guiding Principles of Portfolio Stakeholder Engagement

2. definition and Identification of Portfolio Stakeholders

3. Analysis of Portfolio Stakeholders

4. Stakeholder Engagement Planning

5. Identifying Communications Management Approaches

6. Manage Portfolio Communications

Portfolio Value Management

1. Overview and guiding Principles of Value Management

2. What Is Value Management?

3. Components of Value Management

4. Negotiating Expected Value

5. Maximizing, assuring, realizing, measuring and reporting Value

Portfolio Risk Management

1. Overview and Guiding Principles of Portfolio Risk Management

2. Portfolio Risk Management Process

3. Key Planning Elements

4. Portfolio Risk Management Framework and Portfolio Risk Management Plan

5. Considering the Portfolio as Complex System      

Drive Strategic Portfolio Success: Enroll in Our PfMP Self Paced Course Now!

What's PMTS Aspirants Say

"I am impressed with the knowledge and skills Faiz has that go beyond his substantial knowledge of engineering and project management. He has a strong understanding of what is required for a private vocational institution to operate successfully and meet all the quality requirements of the regulatory bodies"

Paul Binney

Educational Consultant & Advisor

"I had the pleasure of attending a PMP course at PM Training School. I want to thank PMTS Instructor for being a great instructor and for having developed the course so well that it helps me to better understand project management. Faiz has a deep knowledge of the course, while his way of teaching always involved students during the lectures."

Muhammad Asif

Logistics and Warehouse Assistant, SKYCITY Entertainment Group

"Four Days Training On Weekends Helped Me To Go Through All PMP Concepts, And I Am Getting Read For The Exam Now. Thanks"

Nitin Sahare

Project Manager, Auckland Airport

"I liked the fact about PMTS training that this was not about "How to Pass the PMI-ACP exam but how to run Agile Projects. Thank you"

Ashleigh Waters

Consulting Project Manager, Foodstuffs

"I've been in a PMP training course conducted by PMTS Instructor and I must say that he is very hard working and determined. The techniques he uses to explain and keep you connected throughout the session are commendable. Course material provided are quite thorough and detailed."

Abdullah Bhatti

Civil Engineer, Beca

"PMTS Instructor led the project with excellent project management, strategic, business and leadership skills. He also had good handle on digital marketing ecosystem including SEO, SEM, Email, Inbound, Affiliated and social media marketing. His analytical skills using google analytics and other tools were fantastic."

Tahir Mehmood

Digital transformation leader

Start Learning

PfMP Self Paced (NZ)

PfMP Self-Paced Course

Price: $803.85
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a self-paced course?

A self-paced course is a type of online learning format where participants have the flexibility to study and progress through the course materials at their own preferred speed and schedule.

How do self-paced courses work?

Self-paced courses let you learn on your schedule! You get all materials upfront and work through them at your own pace, with deadlines (sometimes) to keep you on track. Great for flexibility, but requires self-discipline!

Is this course eligible for PfMP Exam?

Yes, this course is  for PfMP Exam Prep  and you will get 30 contact hours required for exam eligibility by PMI Premier Partner.

How long can I access the course?

You have three options for subscription durations:

  1. 90-Days Accelerator
  2. 180-Days (Most Popular)
  3. 365-Days (Year-Round)

Can I access the course materials from any device?

Yes. Please contact   for details

Are there any group discounts available?

Yes, we offer special group discounts for organizations enrolling multiple participants in the PfMP Self-Paced Course. Please contact  for details

What are the advantages of taking a self-paced course?

You can be a certified project manager if you complete a necessary certification such as CAPM (certified associate in project management) or advanced certification, called Project Management Professional (PMP)  by PMI. There are some other certifications available around the globe, such as PRINCE 2.

What is the price of PfMP Self-Paced Course?

Is there a support system available if I have questions during the course?

Yes, you’ll be invited to our WhatsApp Study Group upon course registration. For additional support, you can also contact us at

How do I access the course after payment?

Once payment is processed, you’ll get an email with login credentials for learning portal access. You’ll also join our WhatsApp group for updates. 

Can I see a demo of the course?

Certainly, you can view the course demo by clicking here

Is the course available in all countries?

Yes, it is available globally

Learn at your own pace!

Easily fit our flexible, self-paced course into your busy schedule